Category Archives: Loss

Poetry Advent Calendar: Another Window Eight – Brush Pastry



I knead

on the pavement
brushing pastry debris
silicon slender and red
knuckles grow raw
knot needed know more
grit spits shits
from a mouth
in your bed

About 10 metres up from the Spoon (the original window 8) on the Newtown Road in Malvern, this vivid pastry brush awaits its owner to reclaim it.

Late Night Rendevous




She falls easily
It’s character building
So she built and spilt into one
became Devil determined
with a back to front mirror
Despising one reflection
turning other cheeks
Checking out the greased grip
Easily accepting pain
Splitting in love
Teasing in love
follicles wrapped ripped
hair bobbles strained stripped
tangles spear smeared bloodied porcelain
She falls
With herself





photo 2 (4)

An empty head

is a good head


Am meant to have cooked

tasty morsel

Singing when we wake

We wake everyone when we sing


An empty head

is a good head


Dwindling down to crooked zero

We sing everyone when we make

Making everyone when we sing


An empty head

Is a good head


kindling in my belly

am kissed with cement

Making when we’re singing

singing, not waking


Am empty-headed

am good-headed

am crook


I didn’t realize this dragonfly was alive until he gently started breathing at the poem’s end. We only bought him in after finding it the gutter assuming the upside down, legs in the air, position. I have put him in a sunny spot. Hopefully he’ll revive.
Couldn’t get close enough to focus with my digital camera, so used my i-phone to try capture his winged beauty.
This poem follows the dragonfly form.

Hairy Dragonfly (Brachytron pratense), also known as the Hairy Hawker or Spring Hawker.


Hairy Dragonfly


© Catherine Crosswell


Swift Retreat




Swifts stir the air in Star Wars Formation
Churning out online surveys
Delaying the inevitable
tormented tipped wings from Tatooine
Rigidly stood
accepting sentence this time
The quicker the better
to gin the go-getter
We can toast the demise
after gravity has prised
my need
for quantitative greed
More than just stunned
sewn seeds strewn on tiny slipped puns
in a galaxy far far away….
I’ll use the force if I have to
to gently squeeze your hand
coz prayers are for those that do pray.



We had fortune cookies. Mine was empty.